Fr. Nolan Cancelled, Again!
I went to YouTube to see the latest homily from one of my favorite anti scam-demic truth-telling priests, Fr. Dan Nolan, FSSP.
The parish, Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Littleton Colorado, has removed all content from their YouTube channel, and a message (also posted on the parish website from Fr. William Lawrence, FSSP (Provincial Superior) states, in part,
"During the limitations imposed during COVID, apostolates were allowed and encouraged to make the web transmission of Masses more widely available so that parishioners would have easier access. Since these restrictions have been largely lifted, the transmission of Masses, sermons and classes are once again to be limited to parishioners. Thank you for your understanding."
That's not exactly true, because during the heart of the scam-demic fear mongering, Fr. Nolan was punished and prevented from having his homilies appear on YouTube for 6 months, after he "dared" to speak against the mask and vax.
[See LifeSiteNews: Priest banned from posting videos after Catholic News Agency report on his anti-mask comment.]
In September 2020 after the mask controversy, Fr. Nolan in an obscure YouTube comment had confirmed that it was the FSSP, not his bishop or pastor, who had stopped his live-streams:
"Hello everyone! Just to be clear, it was not the Archdiocese of Denver, but the FSSP which suspended my 'internet' privileges. The beauty of our Faith is that orders from superiors, as long as they are not sinful, can be occasions for grace and merit. Do not fear, only believe! Pax Christi"
This was beyond ironic because the very same week that they muzzled Fr. Nolan, the FSSP issued a missive railing against the so-called 'cancel culture.'
In September 2020 after being muzzled over his anti-mask comments, Fr. Dan Nolan FSSP wrote the following. His sermons have now been memory-holed again after a series of his anti-vax & pro-freedom homilies went viral.ππππ»
— Victor (@Victor47502531) March 3, 2022
Fr. Nolan Cancelled, Again!
After his YouTube 'time-out' in 2020, they finally let him back on, but he recently gave another series of homilies that went super-viral. I believe his sermons are so popular because Catholics have a craving for the truth spoken boldly without fear. [Such as these:
LifeSiteNews: FSSP priest advises laity to avoid COVID shots, warns ‘one world government’ is in the works Fr. Nolan's History Lesson
Even on their YouTube channel, my comment from yesterday was deleted. Here's what I wrote:
"It looks like Fr. Nolan spoke too boldly against the satanic clot shot & face diaper, and the coward 'leadership' once again (this is NOT the 1st time) have retreated like weak effeminate men, as opposed to true shepherds. At least we can go (and give our money) to those who aren't afraid of truth, such as Fr. Altman, Fr. Robert Altier, Fr. Isaac Relyea, Fr. Steven Imbarrato, Fr. Dave Nix, & Fr. Christopher Sharah. Also check for homilies & sensus fidelium YouTube channel. As a longtime donor & FSSP supporter, It's sad & bizarre that their 'leadership' sees fit to scrap and hide all holy homilies, while all the satanic garbage on the internet pervades society. Unreal & disgraceful. πππ»
The FSSP HQ is in PA and you may contact them here with questions or comments.
- Fr. Nolan on COVID: "Our republic has become a phobiocracy - ruled by fear. No virus is worse than an out-of-control government!" 8/20/2020
- Heroic Priest Fr. Daniel Nolan, FSSP: "I encourage everybody not to wear a mask." (9/3/2020)
- The Fallacy of Wearing a mask "to provide peace of mind" for others
- Anti-Mask Priest Fr. Dan Nolan, FSSP Conducts Funeral of Slain Boulder Police Officer Eric Talley
- Fr. James Altman made it clear in a message from July 2021 when he declared "NO MASK, NO VAX, EVER!" He added "Fr. Nolan is my hero!"
Fr. Isaac is great, his website is, his rumble channel is here. I consider Fr. Isaac's Mission on 'The Four Last Things' (death, judgment, heaven and hell) at to be the best content ever to exist on the internet. It may very well change your life.
The audio version above is from ~2007, and here's a newer version of Fr. Isaac's same mission from February 2020:
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