FINALLY A Catholic Diocese Honors Mask Exemptions!

Praised be to Jesus Christ, in California of all places, which has recently reinstated a 30-day statewide 'mask mandate,' a Catholic Diocese in Southern California has issued an official statement on the matter, affirming that mask exemptions will be honored as outlined by the CDPH (California Department of Public Health) guidelines and that unmasked churchgoers will not be refused entry, that they're only asked to stay 6 feet apart from others. Also, they will still give Holy Communion on the tongue for those who choose that traditional and proper option.

A great kudos to Bishop Alberto Rojas of the San Bernardino Diocese who issued the 'Diocesan Policy for Advent/Christmas Worship' on December 16, 2021.


Advise parishioners via parish websites/social media and other means that masks will be required of all attendees during the Advent/Christmas season at all of your liturgies. Exceptions will be made as noted in the CDPH guidelines that are attached.

• Non-masked attendees will not be refused admittance; however, whenever physically possible, ushers should be encouraged to shepherd those parishioners to pews that are spaced six (6) feet apart in seating and from another pew.

...All other liturgical protocols remain unchanged. Pastors/Administrators may, of course, impose more stringent requirements based upon knowledge of their parishes, such as employing separate lines for those who wish to receive Holy Communion on the tongue.

As we prepare for this blessed season, let us not allow this one, minor mandate to impact the preparation for and celebration of Our Lord’s Birth. May your Christmas Season be truly blessed.



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