Aussie Priest: Lockdowns & vax passports are EVIL & draconian, we have to stand up for our faith, freedom & nation

"This is the epitome of evil," churches closed "by government that's wicked and knows nothing of truth!"

Fr. Christopher Sharah, a Catholic priest in Australia, gives the best homily that you'll hear this month, guaranteed.

You can watch Fr. Sharah's daily Mass and homily online, here's his homily for today. His bio is here.

Transcript for the video above :

Look at our society, terrified living in fear and unable to go out of our homes. And is this what God wants of us? Is this is how were meant to live?

This goes against everything we are as human beings and everything we are as Christians.

How EVIL our churches have been closed by the government. This is the epitome of evil! Justified by this terrible virus because people are afraid of the cross that they might actually have to suffer.

Mind you, all the running away in the world won't stop the suffering- won't stop sickness, won't stop death. But they sell their birthright for a false idea of saving their lives. But that won't save their lives, and it certainly won't save their soul.

What happened to God's commandment? Keep holy the Sabbath day? How come that gets thrown out? By a government that's wicked and knows nothing of Truth. But what's worse, because I don't expect anything from pagans that run this country. But what's worse are Catholics who listen to the media and accept and believe the media! The media who has done nothing but lie to them for decades! Deceived them in every way imaginable! And they sit there in their homes watching the stupid television and believe the lies they're being told, and with the truth twisted- just like the devil twists it, and distorts it. That's what breaks my heart.

They accept this lockdown, the closure of our churches as a good. How can this be a good? Never in the history of humanity has an illness caused this. NEVER should our churches be sold, be locked - the faithful being locked out, of the house of God. This is EVIL!! It's demonic! If we had the worst plague imaginable the churches should be open. But you see, people don't believe in God, not in reality. They don't believe that God is the creator of everything- that He gives life and he takes life- that He can protect us and look after us. They won't trust Him, they put all their trust in men. And what does Scripture say? Put not your trust in mortal men, in princes, in whom there is no help.

Never before in my lifetime have we had to make such a very real and serious choice. It's time brothers and sisters to stand up for your faith. To do everything you humanly can for your faith. First of all, turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary, she warned of this at Fatima. This is part of the warning of Fatima: the errors of Russia will be spread everywhere. And they have been. This communistic take takeover of our democracy, where human dignity and human freedom have been destroyed.

We have men and women who are elderly who are stuck in institutions, not being allowed to be visited by their loved ones. This is evil! It is not right. It is not justifiable. It is not good. It is unacceptable. We are in a police state! Good citizens are being pursued by the police 🚔 for being human beings. For wanting to practice their faith. Not criminals, but good Australian citizens. There is nothing good in what's going on in this moment. It is not justifiable it is not right.

And as for this vaccine passport, it's draconian! It takes away all our freedom, all our privacy, and it is also evil and communistic. We have to stand up for our faith, for our freedom, for our nation... What are we doing? we're the most brainwashed, zombified generation ever. We sit back and watch our stupid televisions and the internet and accept all this.

Everything is being taken away from us. Justified by fear of a virus that might kill us. It's wrong. And it comes because we have lost our faith in God. And we've stopped following Christ."

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