Firefighter Ends Mask Debate Once And For All

This video is very good & straightforward. Firefighter Jeff Neff tests oxygen levels with an MSA Altair 5X machine, while using various type masks... all fail the test.

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15 seconds

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  1. Not doubting the results at all, but could Jeff redo this video test and make sure that he holds the display screen close enough to the camera that the readouts are visible? The readouts are totally unreadable, and we have to rely solely on the beeping alarm. The naysayeers and deniers out therre will poo-poo the whole thing without that visual confirmation of the readouts. It might also help if he could get a cameera with better resolution, but holding the device much closerr to the cameera than he did might suffice.

  2. Not doubting the results at all, but could Jeff redo this video test and make sure that he holds the display screen close enough to the camera that the readouts are visible? The readouts are totally unreadable, and we have to rely solely on the beeping alarm. The naysayeers and deniers out therre will poo-poo the whole thing without that visual confirmation of the readouts. It might also help if he could get a cameera with better resolution, but holding the device much closerr to the cameera than he did might suffice.

  3. Not doubting the results at all, but could Jeff redo this video test and make sure that he holds the display screen close enough to the camera that the readouts are visible? The readouts are totally unreadable, and we have to rely solely on the beeping alarm. The naysayeers and deniers out therre will poo-poo the whole thing without that visual confirmation of the readouts. It might also help if he could get a cameera with better resolution, but holding the device much closerr to the cameera than he did might suffice.

  4. Not doubting the results at all, but could Jeff redo this video test and make sure that he holds the display screen close enough to the camera that the readouts are visible? The readouts are totally unreadable, and we have to rely solely on the beeping alarm. The naysayeers and deniers out therre will poo-poo the whole thing without that visual confirmation of the readouts. It might also help if he could get a cameera with better resolution, but holding the device much closerr to the cameera than he did might suffice.

  5. How about wearing a pulse oxicemeter at the same time. Do we desaturate wearing a mask? Medical personnel wwar makes for hours, and hours at a time and you don't see us dropping like flies.

    1. How about figuring this out yourself? 'Medical Personnel' tell people they have to wear masks and that it's backed by science. Now you're asking a firefighter to provide the science to back up these claims?! How is it that a firefighter has complete grasp of the safety parameters that affect him in his work, while you are actually administering healthcare and healthcare advice but don't know these things yourself? Do you not see that your question reveals a huge problem that people should be aware of? Yourself included?

    2. It would take a while to effect one of those finger meters. The point of the air meter is to show the area (in this case inside the mask) is too low in oxygen for longer-term breathing, especially if actively working.

      I imagine it would take a few minutes to show up on a finger meter, too long for such a video

  6. You are measuring your exhaled air which is about 15 - 17% oxygen. You can observe that by, without any face covering, putting the sample tube right in front of your mouth while you exhale. If the meter response time is fast enough, you can watch the oxygen level go up (during inhalation) and down (during exhalation), breath by breath.

  7. Sooooo . . . The real issue is there is no data on the effects of ‘chronic’ mask wearing. Not just O2 and CO2 levels but increased humidity and bacteria load. But that’s ok - we’ll mandate them anyway. Even though there are buckets of studies that show masks don’t reduce viral spread.

  8. I would give this a closer look, if the title didn't call its readers dumbass. That in itself shows the lack of professionalism. Also, how is a firefighter more knowledgeable in science, than the scientists themselves?
    I call bullshit.

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