Catholic Priest on Covid Vaccine & Masks: "The greatest hoax in the history of the world"

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Catholic priest Fr. Dave Nix (Padre Peregrino on Youtube) on masks, starting at minute 3: ⛪

"The masks do nothing...

The masks aren't coming off anytime soon

The greatest hoax in the history of the world

I don't wear masks because I'm not superstitious."

There are several other priests that are speaking out too. In my experience it is almost always priests who say Latin Mass. I've also seen some good dissent from traditional priests who say Mass (Novus Ordo) in English or Spanish.

Here is an outstanding homily against masks by Fr. James Altman:

Catholic Priest Slams The "Godless Dehumanizing, Diabolical, Fascist" Facemask Orders

"The entire premise of this facemask order is a Godless, diabolical farce.... a Godless dehumanizing imposition of restrictions. This will cause infinitely more damage to our humanity.

"... The dehumanizing effect on our human nature and the devastating effects on the economic well being ...

That is what godless dehumanizing lockdowns and facemasks and utter destruction of jobs and the economy does to human nature."

Below is the best homily I've heard on this COVID nonsense. Just outstanding.

Latin Mass Priest on COVID: "Our republic has become a phobiocracy - ruled by fear. No virus is worse than an out-of-control government!"


"Our republic has become a phobiocracy - ruled by fear. Don't believe the media. Far worse than losing the life of an individual in society is losing the life of society itself. I don't believe the state has our best interests in mind.

If we do whatever the government tells us, the life of this nation is at risk- The life of democracy. the life of Freedom. They will take it! No virus is worse than an out-of-control government. We used to be a republic, trying to be turned into a phobiocraccy - rule by fear. And the one thing that should disturb us most is that the government is trying to take the place of God. Tell us when you could worship? Who do they think they are? I'll tell you. They think they're Satan!

This country will become a living hell."

Watch the homily here:

And here is one of my all time favorites, Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea. I have more of his videos here. His website is He would appreciate and is very worthy of your support.

Latin Mass Priest Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea: You're NUTS If You Get The COVID-19 VACCINE!

Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea talks about Covid19, and he reads from the book 'Calamities, Chastisement, and the Love of God,' by St. Alphonsus Liguori.

At minute 33, Fr. Isaac says "and people all they're waiting for is this vaccination- If you let them vaccinate you, you're on drugs! Because they're putting all kinds of evil things, there's aborted fetuses in some vaccinations, there's mercury & other toxins in vaccinations, the one world government is behind a lot of what's going on now, and they want to eliminate the human race. They want population control. Bill Gates, Soros, these evil men..."

Fr. Isaac: We do not have to walk in fear
At minute 25 in the video below, Fr. Isaac says "the vaccination will probably be the mark of the beast , don't ever get that vaccination. It's from hell. and you can't trust these people they want to kill us , that's what they're doing right now. And that vaccination they're gonna have a way to identify... Bill Gates put over a hundred million into this vaccination ... Don't fall for this nonsense!"

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  1. I am not catholic. That said, I appreciate and salute anyone who has the courage to speak against the war on humanity going on under the cover of "an evil virus", the satanic ritualistic wearing of a mask/muzzle...etc.

    That said, I think the message gets diluted and lost when it is turned into a simple affair of "left vs right", "communism vs capitalism", "china vs usa", worship of the flag (man-made symbol)... etc. Unfortunately Father Altman did just that !!!.


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