
A Ukraine Hoax Hoax

Please see the following video and note it was posted over a month ago. It was actually not bad crisis actors playing dead in Ukraine, but rather was regarding a climate policy protest in Vienna and was posted 2/4/22 on YouTube here As well as on Twitter 2/8 here This is regarding the currently viral vid 'UKRAINE BODY BAG PROPAGANDA FAILS AS THE ACTORS JUST WON'T STAY... CHILL' (Was also posted by Paul Craig Roberts, link below) An astute commenter on bitchute notes: "FALSE: This was never aired on Ukrainian TV, but made by a channel creator who remove the actual Headline in the original video; then uploaded it. I wish they would just leave the media do the scams.' Wien: Demo gegen Klimapolitik = MEANS Vienna: Demo against climate policy" [/End comment.] ...

U.S. Senators Meet With People’s Convoy Members

Image Senators Ron Johnson & Ted Cruz met with the people's convoy participants on 3/7/22 in DC. Here is Senator Johnson's press release. Update: Youtube deleted footage of the meetings, for 'violation of terms of service.' But here are two Facebook livestreams from 3/8/22 (suggest going to 1h10m.) Meeting with lawnakers: Sen. Johnson's press release states: **MEDIA ADVISORY** Sens. Johnson, Cruz to Meet with The People’s Convoy WASHINGTON — On Tuesday, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) will meet with The People’s Convoy to discuss the harmful effects of President Biden’s vaccine mandates. Media availability will occur after the meeting. WHO: Sen. Ron Johnson, Sen. Ted Cruz, members of the People’s Convoy WHEN: Tuesday, March 8 WHAT/ W...

Dundas Leaves People's Convoy, Updates from Hagerstown MD

'The People's Convoy' began on Wednesday February 23, 2022 at a kickoff rally in Adelanto, California. The city mayor was there and his wife sang the national anthem. (The official site is . Their Facebook page is here .) Convoy participants are currently at a staging area in Hagerstown, Maryland. Leigh Dundas has posted a very positive message here declaring the convoy a great success. Here is video from Adelanto kickoff rally where Dundas insists The people's convoy is NOT going into DC. [ Link .] In the video below posted March 6, organizer Brian Brase awkwardly announces that Leigh Dundas has left the convoy, and that they are going into DC after all. He basically says there are no hard feelings and that they love Leigh Dundas. He also refers to questions regarding the fundraiser (without ever mentioning any names). Brase diminis...

New Mel Gibson Interview With Fr. Dave Nix

Image Video description from Fr. Dave Nix: Theology and Current Events (TCE) #39: Mr. Mel Gibson joins me to discuss his upcoming film, “Father Stu,” staring Mark Wahlberg. “Father Stu” is the true story of the conversion and ministry of a Montana priest, Fr. Stuart Long, who died in 2014. In this movie, Mel plays his father. *** -Fr. Stu's obituary: -Trailer for FATHER STU movie: -I will be speaking at the "Health Freedom Summit" at: Mel Gibson joins me on my podcast and YouTube channel today discussing his new movie “Father Stu.” Be sure to subscribe to my podcast, YT or Rumble at “Padre Peregrino.” — Fr. Dave Nix 📡 (@FrDaveNix) March 5, 2022 Trailer:

Congressman Paul Gosar: Fluoride In Drinking Water Shown To Reduce IQ

Image Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona (a dentist) was one of only 3 congressmen (all republicans) who voted against the frenzied war fever posing as "support for Ukraine". Here he points out that fluoride in drinking water can cause reduced IQ, as proven in 74 published studies. Regarding Ukraine, Rep. Gosar tweeted "I will not send constituents to die in another unconstitutional war with no U.S. national security interest... Congress takes an exclusive oath to defend the Constitution of the U.S., not Ukraine, NATO, globalist initiatives, or anything else AZ, USA is the frontline of democracy. Congress must prioritize the the strong national defense of our republic & exercise Constitutional restraint... We should just call ourselves Ukraine and then maybe we can get NATO to engage and protect our border..." His Facebook is here I will not send constituents to die in another unconstitutional war with no U.S. ...

Fr. Nolan Cancelled, Again!

Image I went to YouTube to see the latest homily from one of my favorite anti scam-demic truth-telling priests, Fr. Dan Nolan, FSSP. The parish, Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Littleton Colorado, has removed all content from their YouTube channel , and a message (also posted on the parish website from Fr. William Lawrence, FSSP (Provincial Superior) states, in part, "During the limitations imposed during COVID, apostolates were allowed and encouraged to make the web transmission of Masses more widely available so that parishioners would have easier access. Since these restrictions have been largely lifted, the transmission of Masses, sermons and classes are once again to be limited to parishioners. Thank you for your understanding." That's not exactly true, because during the heart of the scam-demic fear mongering, Fr. Nolan was punished and prevented from having his homilies appear on YouTube for 6 months, after he "dared" to speak against the ...

L.A. Religious Education Congress To Require Full Vax & Mask

The infamous 'Catholic' "2022 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress," which for years has been known to host a gaggle of modernists, dissidents and perverts, will require proof of vaccination and mandatory face masks for all in-person attendees. The event will be held March 17-20 at the Anaheim Convention Center. (Which is not in Los Angeles or even L.A. County) The registration page states "All in-person participants must be fully vaccinated, show proof of vaccination with their identification, and wear a well-fitting face mask covering both the nose and mouth while indoors." Oddly, the event website does not seem to list any itinerary of speakers or events, at least not easily found on their site or menu. Their 'On-Site COVID Protocol' page further details: "RECongress is committed to the health and safety of all participants. We will continue to update our website with all COVID relate...

NJ Governor Admits "mental health strain" of mask-wearing on "our precious kids"

Image At a 2/23 press conference, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy acknowledges the "mental health strain" of mask-wearing on "our precious kids" Related: Dr. Jeff Barke MD: Masking Kids Is Child Abuse Psychiatrist bans child-masking and 'all forms of child abuse' in his practice By Mark McDonald, M.D. (2/10/22) 'I will no longer accept your ill-informed, foolish, immature rationalizations for the ongoing abuse of your children' _

New Jersey Governor & State Police Working With FBI, National Guard To Prepare For Trucker Convoy

New Jersey State Police Colonel Patrick Callahan and Governor Phil Murphy answered questions about the people's freedom convoy at a press conference in Trenton on Wednesday February 23. "New Jersey National Guard is going to DC, that was a request- over 20 vehicles and over 100 manpower. We're doing it in this case to make sure I presume, that we don't see what happened in Ottowa happen in our nation's capital," Murphy said. Callahan said state police are working with "local, county, state and federal partners" regarding the March 5th and 6th rally. "We have had calls with our partners, the Port Authority the FBI, all of our partners in this to make sure we can mitigate if not eliminate anything happening like what we saw unfold up in Ottawa; so certainly an ongoing monitoring from our regional operations Intelligence Center." At minute 46, Callahan is asked about potential use of tow trucks and responds “We hope it doesn’t come to t...

Couple Who Filmed Trampled Lady In Ottowa Give Update

Image Jeremiah Jost and his wife Christina were live-streaming on Friday February 18, 2022 in Ottawa, he was filming as Candy Sero was pleading with police for "Peace, Love and Happiness!" That is when the cops with horses came and nearly trampled her to death. Their horror of capturing that scene and admonishing police will live in infamy. Here the couple gave an update on 2/21/22. Candy Sero (trampled lady's) twitter is here: Care to correct the "no injuries" statement @Ottawapolice ?? I was nearly killed by you #BlackFaceHitler . — Candy (trampled lady)❤️🇨🇦 (@CandySero_) February 22, 2022 Hey its the TRAMPLED LADY here.😂Just wanted to say thanks for the support. I COULDNT HAVE IMAGINED THIS. Thanks for the follows and retweets. I wont stop fighting Hold the line ❤️❤️❤️❤️🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦😘 #BlackfaceHitler — Candy (trampled lady)❤️🇨🇦 (@CandySero_) February 21, 2022 Facebook link here . And...

Catholic Bishop To Freedom Truckers: "The Truth of Almighty God is behind you"

Image His Excellency Bishop Bawai Soro is the former Eparch of the Chaldean Catholic Church for the Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Mar Addai of Toronto. The Chaldean Catholic Church is an Eastern Catholic particular church (sui juris) in full communion with the Holy See and the rest of the Catholic Church, and is headed by the Chaldean Patriarchate. His Excellency Bishop Soro states, in part: "I am so moved by the courage of the hard-working Canadian truckers during their freedom convoy who peacefully have assembled in Ottowa and Windsor to express their views and protest to the government's overreach, which sadly today has become the norm rather than the exception. With some corrupt politicians who value their personal and family's interests more than the benefit and liberty of their countrymen. These politicians remind me and many from the religious minorities from the Middle East who experienced for decades oppression, how tragic and unacceptable is the curre...

Sarnia Mayor Mike Bradley: "Quarantines Are A Financial & Emotional Impediment, We can Handle Unvaxxed Visitors"

The 66-year-old mayor of Sarnia, Ontario, Canada, Mike Bradley , is really a piece of work. He's been mayor since 1988 and in 2016 was reportedly so toxic and nasty to the city staff that the city locked him out of his own office and prohibited him from speaking with staff. Many of them quit it was so bad. Bradley has recently referred to the blockade at Ambassador Bridge in Windsor to be "economic terrorism." But if Mike was reasonable, he'd talk with the freedom convoy organizers and admit that he shares some common ground with them, as indisputably proven by his own comments in the video below! In an interview conducted only six months ago on July 21st 2021 regarding International cross-border traffic between Canada and the US, Bradley says "I'm also pleased, I have to say, the quarantine rules going away in September, because they were becoming an impediment, and they were a financial impediment, they were an emotional impediment." It...