U.S. Senators Meet With People’s Convoy Members


Senators Ron Johnson & Ted Cruz met with the people's convoy participants on 3/7/22 in DC. Here is Senator Johnson's press release.

Update: Youtube deleted footage of the meetings, for 'violation of terms of service.' But here are two Facebook livestreams from 3/8/22

(suggest going to 1h10m.)

Meeting with lawnakers: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1416612765462766&id=102094108325169

Sen. Johnson's press release states:

**MEDIA ADVISORY** Sens. Johnson, Cruz to Meet with The People’s Convoy

WASHINGTON — On Tuesday, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) will meet with The People’s Convoy to discuss the harmful effects of President Biden’s vaccine mandates.

Media availability will occur after the meeting.

WHO: Sen. Ron Johnson, Sen. Ted Cruz, members of the People’s Convoy

WHEN: Tuesday, March 8

11:15a.m. ET
Senate Visitor Center (SVC) 212
First St NE, Washington, DC 20515

RSVP: Please RSVP by Tuesday, March 8 at 7:00am EST with your name, outlet, email and phone number to press@ronjohnson.senate.gov. ###

Link: https://www.ronjohnson.senate.gov/2022/3/media-advisory-sens-johnson-cruz-to-meet-with-the-people-s-convoy

Here's vid of Senator Johnson riding in a big rig 5 years ago


Dundas Leaves People's Convoy, Updates from Hagerstown MD.

Here's an interview with Johnson on 3/7/22. He says we import 4% of our fossil fuel from Russia today, about 700,000 barrels a day.

Johnson ends by praising what he calls the "Extraordinary & courageous leader president Zelensky." 🙄🤭🕺🩰 Here is Johnson's hero in action:


Ukraine’s Jewish President Said Males Aged 18-60 Are Banned From Leaving the Country, but If You Didn’t Already Know, That Order Exempts Jews

Johnson is good on the vax mandates & vaccine injury hearings, but this is a bit much. Neocon politics as usual. 🙄 Johnson needs to talk with Senator Rand Paul or Dr. Ron Paul, to learn about foreign policy and what a 'Republic' is.

03/5/2022 Sens. Johnson, Scott Following Call with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy: Here’s What the U.S. Should be Doing to Support Ukraine

Full Johnson interview here.

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