
Showing posts from February, 2022

NJ Governor Admits "mental health strain" of mask-wearing on "our precious kids"

Image At a 2/23 press conference, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy acknowledges the "mental health strain" of mask-wearing on "our precious kids" Related: Dr. Jeff Barke MD: Masking Kids Is Child Abuse Psychiatrist bans child-masking and 'all forms of child abuse' in his practice By Mark McDonald, M.D. (2/10/22) 'I will no longer accept your ill-informed, foolish, immature rationalizations for the ongoing abuse of your children' _

New Jersey Governor & State Police Working With FBI, National Guard To Prepare For Trucker Convoy

New Jersey State Police Colonel Patrick Callahan and Governor Phil Murphy answered questions about the people's freedom convoy at a press conference in Trenton on Wednesday February 23. "New Jersey National Guard is going to DC, that was a request- over 20 vehicles and over 100 manpower. We're doing it in this case to make sure I presume, that we don't see what happened in Ottowa happen in our nation's capital," Murphy said. Callahan said state police are working with "local, county, state and federal partners" regarding the March 5th and 6th rally. "We have had calls with our partners, the Port Authority the FBI, all of our partners in this to make sure we can mitigate if not eliminate anything happening like what we saw unfold up in Ottawa; so certainly an ongoing monitoring from our regional operations Intelligence Center." At minute 46, Callahan is asked about potential use of tow trucks and responds β€œWe hope it doesn’t come to t...

Couple Who Filmed Trampled Lady In Ottowa Give Update

Image Jeremiah Jost and his wife Christina were live-streaming on Friday February 18, 2022 in Ottawa, he was filming as Candy Sero was pleading with police for "Peace, Love and Happiness!" That is when the cops with horses came and nearly trampled her to death. Their horror of capturing that scene and admonishing police will live in infamy. Here the couple gave an update on 2/21/22. Candy Sero (trampled lady's) twitter is here: Care to correct the "no injuries" statement @Ottawapolice ?? I was nearly killed by you #BlackFaceHitler . β€” Candy (trampled lady)β€οΈπŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ (@CandySero_) February 22, 2022 Hey its the TRAMPLED LADY here.πŸ˜‚Just wanted to say thanks for the support. I COULDNT HAVE IMAGINED THIS. Thanks for the follows and retweets. I wont stop fighting Hold the line β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ˜˜ #BlackfaceHitler β€” Candy (trampled lady)β€οΈπŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ (@CandySero_) February 21, 2022 Facebook link here . And...

Catholic Bishop To Freedom Truckers: "The Truth of Almighty God is behind you"

Image His Excellency Bishop Bawai Soro is the former Eparch of the Chaldean Catholic Church for the Chaldean Catholic Eparchy of Mar Addai of Toronto. The Chaldean Catholic Church is an Eastern Catholic particular church (sui juris) in full communion with the Holy See and the rest of the Catholic Church, and is headed by the Chaldean Patriarchate. His Excellency Bishop Soro states, in part: "I am so moved by the courage of the hard-working Canadian truckers during their freedom convoy who peacefully have assembled in Ottowa and Windsor to express their views and protest to the government's overreach, which sadly today has become the norm rather than the exception. With some corrupt politicians who value their personal and family's interests more than the benefit and liberty of their countrymen. These politicians remind me and many from the religious minorities from the Middle East who experienced for decades oppression, how tragic and unacceptable is the curre...

Sarnia Mayor Mike Bradley: "Quarantines Are A Financial & Emotional Impediment, We can Handle Unvaxxed Visitors"

The 66-year-old mayor of Sarnia, Ontario, Canada, Mike Bradley , is really a piece of work. He's been mayor since 1988 and in 2016 was reportedly so toxic and nasty to the city staff that the city locked him out of his own office and prohibited him from speaking with staff. Many of them quit it was so bad. Bradley has recently referred to the blockade at Ambassador Bridge in Windsor to be "economic terrorism." But if Mike was reasonable, he'd talk with the freedom convoy organizers and admit that he shares some common ground with them, as indisputably proven by his own comments in the video below! In an interview conducted only six months ago on July 21st 2021 regarding International cross-border traffic between Canada and the US, Bradley says "I'm also pleased, I have to say, the quarantine rules going away in September, because they were becoming an impediment, and they were a financial impediment, they were an emotional impediment." It...

Interview with Erik, Freedom Convoy Trucker

YouTuber TravelFun69 interviews Freedom Convoy trucker Erik from East Germany on 2/10/22. Original video here, starts at minute 38

Ottawa Police Chief Promises Force; Working With U.S. FBI

I have made it a point to try to watch every Ottawa city news conference in its' entirety, as well as every police news conference surrounding the freedom Convoy in Ottawa. These meetings are very revealing. One thing that really stands out is how all of the police services board, as well as in the meetings with the city council, excetera - all of these bureaucrat politicians basically claim that 'everybody in Ottawa is scared for their lives, and they're not even able to step out of their homes.' Very melodramatic, very angst-ridden, very absurd and preposterous- and they always say 'we must end this, we must stop this, we must get all the funding and the federal government and the military to stop it, just stop it immediately,' etc. Yet they never once, none of them ever even once talk about the larger issue of why this is protest is happening , they never once mention the mandates, or the complaints of the actual protest itself. Here is a roundup of th...

Dr. Jeff Barke MD: Masking Kids Is Child Abuse

Dr. Jeff Barke scolds California politicians who continue to support mask mandates, calling it a "form of child abuse." Masks for children have caused: - Anxiety - Depression - Increased learning disorders - Increased suicidal ideation Full Interview: β€” KUSI News (@KUSINews) February 4, 2022

Ottawa Police Seize Fuel Containers from Convoy Truckers During Frostbite Warning

Multiple videos from Ottawa published on Sunday night February 6, 2022 shows a large police line guarding diesel fuel containers which were being seized from the freedom convoy truckers. Police Chief Peter Sloly had previously vowed not to interfere with the trucker's fueling operations, but on Friday said they would not facilitate diesel delivery. This despite the fact that Ottawa had issued a frostbite warning for this weekend. The Ottawa city advisory warned "Ottawa is one of the coldest capitals in the world. Winter temperature paired with wind can cause severe injuries and even death. Frostbite injuries can lead to amputations. Hypothermia, the most serious of cold weather complications can lead to brain damage and then death. At -15 C, hypothermia becomes an increasing concern and when the wind chill reaches -35 or colder, exposed skin can freeze in as little as 10 minutes." We are issuing a Frostbite Advisory for overnight on February 4th and all day Febr...

Lee Greenwood: God Bless Canada (Convoy Version)

Image I never knew such a version existed, the song is over 10 years old but someone made this freedom convoy version. Great stuff! πŸ˜‡πŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸš›πŸššπŸš’πŸ˜’πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² Full version in this 10 year old video:

Dr. Jeff Barke, MD Explains What Protects The Public Instead of Masks

Image Dr. Jeff Barke, MD of Newport Beach, CA is & has been one of the best from the start. He was with the Frontline Doctors in DC in 2020. He's the best spokesman against masks. This is from an interview recorded on September 16, 2020 with Peggy Hall. This link below is a must-see, 6 minutes from 2/5/22. He explains that masking is harmful and a form of child abuse. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€βš•πŸ₯ΌπŸ₯🩺

"Welcome to the world's biggest game of chicken, boys!" FreedomConvoy2022

Image This is a great must-see 2 minute clip. Very well done. #FreedomConvoy2022

Ottawa Police Will Target Protest Funders, Chief Says

At a 30-minute press conference held Friday morning February 4, 2022, Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly said the police will implement a new 'Surge & Contain' strategy. Sloly said the police and their intelligence partners will "target protesters and supporters of protesters who are funding and enabling unlawful and harmful activity by the protesters themselves." Financial, digital driver id, and insurance info will be used in future prosecutions, he said. "Our goal is to end the increasingly volatile and increasingly dangerous demonstration," Sloly said. Sloly did not explain how prosecuting funders of the freedom convoy is justifiable, since participation in demonstrations is a protected activity under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms . For this weekend, police will increase use of concrete barriers and direct new convoy vehicles to "designated parking zones outside of the downtown core." Meanwhile the Freedom Convoy ...

WOW Students Across USA WALK OUT In Protest of Mask Mandates

Image This is not just in California, it is growing across the USA. Videos have surfaced from schools across the country in which students have had enough and are refusing to comply with the fraudulent and harmful mask mandates. It appears that the Canadian freedom convoy has inspired and emboldened this righteous move toward liberty. This is awesome and inspiring! God bless each of these brave kids!!!! Unmasked Oakdale Students who were denied entry into class + the gym walked from the high school to the district office which is about a quarter of a mile away. Oakdale is not honoring their right to in person education so our legal team is sending demand letter. #LetThemBreathe β€” LET THEM BREATHE (@letthem_breathe) February 4, 2022 Oakdale CA students throughout the district are refusing to wear masks. High schoolers have been sent to the gym and filled it with more unmasked students on their way. These kids are following the governor’...