Los Angeles Catholic Archdiocese Mandates Masks for Churchgoers

June 7, 2020 https://lacatholics.org/reopen-support/

Individual Confessions can also be heard during the initial phase, with priest and penitent separated by at least six feet, wearing face coverings, and wiping down any surfaces touched.

One or more volunteers (or employees) should be stationed at the door(s) of the church whenever it is open. The volunteer(s) will perform a variety of duties:

• Greet all visitors. California state guidelines recommend signage and use of social media advising people experiencing symptoms or considered at higher risk to stay home, but volunteers/employees at the doors could reinforce this message and remind visitors of the ongoing dispensation from the Sunday obligation to attend Mass. Visitors should wash/sanitize their hands and wear a face covering.

Both priest and penitent should wear face coverings.



Open the door for visitors to keep the points of contact to a minimum. Ushers should utilize face mask and gloves.

.... Parish has stock of gloves and masks and cleaning materials for staff and volunteers who will work at reopening as greeters and cleaners.


Archdiocese of L.A. video on reopening churches for Mass: At 58 seconds, she mentions "masks," hand sanitizer and social distancing as a "new way of living" to "keep us safe" from COVID.


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