Why Face Masks Don't Work: A Revealing Review

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This excellent essay is a must-read. Excerpt:

Why Face Masks Don't Work: A Revealing Review
October 18, 2016
by John Hardie, BDS, MSc, PhD, FRCDC

The Inadequacies Between 2004 and 2016 at least a dozen research or review articles have been published on the inadequacies of face masks. 5,6,11,17,19,20,21,25,26,27,28,31 All agree that the poor facial fit and limited filtration characteristics of face masks make them unable to prevent the wearer inhaling airborne particles. In their well-referenced 2011 article on respiratory protection for healthcare workers, Drs. Harriman and Brosseau conclude that, "facemasks will not protect against the inhalation of aerosols." 11 Following their 2015 literature review, Dr. Zhou and colleagues stated, "There is a lack of substantiated evidence to support claims that facemasks protect either patient or surgeon from infectious contamination." 25 In the same year Dr. R. MacIntyre noted that randomized controlled trials of facemasks failed to prove their efficacy. 5

The primary reason for mandating the wearing of face masks is to protect dental personnel from airborne pathogens. This review has established that face masks are incapable of providing such a level of protection. Unless the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, national and provincial dental associations and regulatory agencies publically admit this fact, they will be guilty of perpetuating a myth which will be a disservice to the dental profession and its patients...

Read the entire article here.


  1. Face masks do work. But only as a virtue signal.

    1. I definitely agree. Just another non-science based effort to control.

  2. Yep... deep state is deep... and we need to mark them all...


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